My name is Asia Marshall and I am a Junior Public Health major from Little Rock, AR.  I have been involved with several programs such as: Welcome Weeks Crew, Friday Night Live, Emerging Leaders, Students Advocating Stronger Sisterhood, etc.  In my spare time I love to explore Fayetteville with friends to find new adventures.  My favorite quote in life is, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

My name is Asia Marshall and I am a Junior Public Health major from Little Rock, AR. I have been involved with several programs such as: Welcome Weeks Crew, Friday Night Live, Emerging Leaders, Students Advocating Stronger Sisterhood, etc. In my spare time I love to explore Fayetteville with friends to find new adventures. My favorite quote in life is, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

As a parent at the University of Arkansas, we understand that the first 2 weeks of school with your student leaving can be an adjustment for you as well. To help with your transitioning the university created a ‘yes mom”, specifically for parents. With Yes Mom, you will be able to see your student pass through the union mall on their way to class. Although you won’t be able to see them walk across the entire campus, the union mall is a common area where several students pass more than once a day. You may call your student as you watch so they can wave, blow a kiss, say I love you, or anything that you would like to do during that time.

It is important to know your students schedule so that when you do “yes mom”, you would be able to access at the times your student is not in class.   The way you access this amazing webcam link is by going to Through this link you will be able to access the yes mom link. This resource has become helpful for parents and students as well. While both you and your student may be going through a transition, yes mom is here to help. Just visit the website listed above and wave at your student on his or her way to class.