My name is Asia Marshall and I am a Junior Public Health major from Little Rock, AR.  I have been involved with several programs such as: Welcome Weeks Crew, Friday Night Live, Emerging Leaders, Students Advocating Stronger Sisterhood, etc.  In my spare time I love to explore Fayetteville with friends to find new adventures.  My favorite quote in life is, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

My name is Asia Marshall and I am a Junior Public Health major from Little Rock, AR. I have been involved with several programs such as: Welcome Weeks Crew, Friday Night Live, Emerging Leaders, Students Advocating Stronger Sisterhood, etc. In my spare time I love to explore Fayetteville with friends to find new adventures. My favorite quote in life is, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

Meet Katie Edwards; she is a rising sophomore majoring in Marketing from Fort Worth, TX. She is involved with many registered student organizations on campus, many of which focus on service and academics while others focus on building connections and relationships between students. She is a student of the Sam M. Walton College of Business and also plans to minor in public relations. She is looking forward to meeting and interacting with all of the students and parents as a Parent Ambassador.

Meet Katie Edwards; she is a rising sophomore majoring in Marketing from Fort Worth, TX. She is involved with many registered student organizations on campus, many of which focus on service and academics while others focus on building connections and relationships between students. She is a student of the Sam M. Walton College of Business and also plans to minor in public relations. She is looking forward to meeting and interacting with all of the students and parents as a Parent Ambassador.

Using on campus resources can become very helpful for students.  There are over 300 Registered Student Organizations on campus that are designed specifically to help your student. Rather it’s math tutoring, writing assistance, or just trying to become more involved on campus.  Most students don’t utilize their resources in their collegiate career because they don’t know the different options or opportunities they have. Below I am going to list the different resources that your student might find helpful during their time here at the University of Arkansas.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS):  This is an office on campus that is there to help your student through counseling.  Many students don’t know that we have a program like this that is offered so they usually don’t utilize this resource often.  This office can help your student with stress techniques, building relationships with others, or even mental health issues that your student might be overwhelmed with during college.  They even have a 24-hour hotline that your student may call at any time.

Class Plus (Center for Learning and Student Success):  This program is for tutoring within any subject your student might need extra help with.  The process for this is very simple and easy.  The first step is to sign up for a time and subject in which the tutoring is needed.  You can either register for Student I, which is similar to being in an actual class section, so there will be more students there or private tutoring when it is just you and your tutor.  You may also sign up for a writing appointment.  With the writing appointment they will look over your papers for structure, grammar, or anything else you might want them to review.

Mathematics Resource and Teaching Center: This is a center that is specifically designated for math classes.  Your student might already have requirements from their math class to have so many hours in the math center.  Even if your students doesn’t already have previous requirement to go to the math center, they are still encouraged to go.  The math center is simple, there isn’t any prior registration your student will have to do.  They will just have to make sure they go during the times the center is open, depending upon their hours listed on their website.

I have listed just a few of the several different campus resources we have on campus.  It is important for your student to utilize the different resources offered during their time here at the university.