Sending your student on a study abroad trip can be the best gift you ever give them. While it will probably be difficult for you to have them so far away, they will learn so many valuable lessons while having their mind opened to a whole new culture. If your student is interested in studying abroad, you should make sure they are aware of the opportunities the University of Arkansas provides.

  1. Attend a study abroad fair or HogsAbroad 101 session. Here, your student will learn about the basics of studying abroad, like the length of the trip, the countries they could live in, and more. HogsAbroad sessions are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00 in JBHT 207.
  2. It is important your student meets with their academic advisor. Their advisor will make sure that they are taking the classes that lead to their degrees, and they can also help choose the best type of program for your student. We also have study abroad advisors, who are able to help with the specifics of a trip.
  3. Scholarships are a great way to help fund your student’s study abroad. Grants and scholarships are provided through specific programs, such as the Honors College. There are also some study abroad trips that cost approximately the same as a semester at the University of Arkansas, making it more affordable.

When your student studies abroad, they can get the chance to learn a new language, make friends from around the world, visit historical sights, and so much more! They should seize the opportunity to learn inside and outside of the classroom. There are two basic program models for study abroad trips. One type is the University of Arkansas administered programs, and the other type is through external provider programs. At the university, many students study abroad during their time here, whether it be for a week, summer, semester, or a whole year. Studying abroad will change your student’s life in many ways, and will be an experience they will never forget


Meet Leah Herring. Leah is a freshman social work major with a minor in Spanish from Prairie Village, Kansas. Leah is a member of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority and is involved with the Honors College. She loves the outdoors and spends most weekends camping or studying in a hammock somewhere around Fayetteville.