Preparing For Life After Graduation


Parents! Some of your student have almost completed their college career. This is so exciting! There are a few things that you can do to help your student prepare for life after college graduation. Entering the real world can be a tough transition for any college student, so any help is sure to be appreciated!

Student Loans. Your student has been in college for years. If they do not have any student loans, that is great! However, utilizing student loans is necessary for most students. To help your student prepare for graduation, suggest that they do some research on their loan provider, what their interest rates look like, and how much they will owe monthly for loan payments. Keep in mind that student loan repayments begin six months after your student’s graduation date.

The Job Search. Job searching can be a daunting task and can get exhausting for your student while they are trying to keep up with school work and exams. The most important piece of advice for parents is to be supportive of their student’s choices. More “hands-on” parents might serve as a great resource for students who need assistance perfecting their resumes or cover letters. Another good resource we have on campus is the Career Development Center, where your student can get tips from professionals on how to improve their resume and cover letter. They also provide your student with the option to go through mock interviews to prepare for the real thing. Above all, be supportive and keep encouraging your student through the process!

The Real World. Although your student has likely not been living at home for quite some time, many students have never had to be completely independent just yet. And perhaps they will not be completely on their own even post-graduation. However, your student is entering the real world; the adult world, and although they are about to have a new job and bills that need to be paid, remember they will still need your support through the transition. While they are now on their own, they will still need your advice and love! To help them prepare for life after their college graduation, just remind them that they still have you. They are not alone. Trust me, your student needs to hear that.

Graduating from college is an exciting milestone in your student’s life. While they are likely super stressed out about where they are going to work or live, your student is probably also really excited. Be sure to enjoy this incredible accomplishment along with them!


Meet Julia Garcia! Julia is a junior Industrial Engineering student from Hope, Arkansas. In her free time she enjoys golfing, cooking, and shopping. She also loves watching Razorback football