Is Your Student Going To Be Rooming With A Stranger?

SOS: How do I let my student live with a complete stranger? A common fear that your student may have, and that you as a parent will have, is who is my child living with? As a first year college student, who your student’s roommate is, could make or break their initial...

UARK Tutoring Services

College is a different world compared to high school.  The people are different, the teaching methods are different, and most importantly the course material is different.  The exams and assignments that will be given are difficult for most students, and...

R.O.C.K. Camp 2018

Tell your story through R.O.C.K. Camp What is R.O.C.K. Camp? Will my student be learning about rocks? How much does it cost? How will those 4 days benefit my student? These are all commonly asked questions about R.O.C.K. Camp. To clarify, your student will not be...

So Your Student Wants A Pet

At one point in your student’s life, they’ve probably owned a pet or asked for a pet.  If they haven’t, chances are they probably will during their college years.  College is a stressful time, and some students attempt to relieve their stress by adopting an...

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University of Arkansas
Arkansas Union A688
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
Phone: 479-575-5002
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