More About Welcome Weeks
We’ve all been there. Little fish. Big pond. Coming to college can be a pretty big change from what your student has been used to in high school. New place, new classes and a LOT more people. A majority of first year students say that it can be hard to meet new people...
Welcome Weeks
Your student is all moved in; room decorated, mini fridge stocked, and the next thing you know they’re kicking you out the door! They’ve officially left the nest, and you’re probably wondering, what’s next? Why does my student have to jet off to college a week before...
The 411 on Registered Student Organizations
The University of Arkansas is currently home to over 400 Registered Student Organizations. If your student has trouble getting out there and meeting people at campus events or simply enjoys making friends, RSOs are a great way to meet people with common interests....
Does you student want a pet?
At one point in your student’s life, they’ve probably owned a pet or asked for a pet. If they haven’t, chances are they probably will during their college years. College is a stressful time, and some students attempt to relieve their stress by adopting an...