How my parents support me
My parents support me in many ways in my journey to graduation. When I need a figurative shoulder to cry on over the phone, they are there, when I don’t know exactly how to handle an unfamiliar experience they are there, and finally when I have relationship questions...
Thankful to be a Razorback
There are countless things to be thankful for in my life. One of my greatest blessings is being a Razorback. There are so many things that make me feel proud to be a Razorback at the University of Arkansas. Here are just a few: Fayetteville is rated as one of the best...
Getting to and from Campus from Home
College can be stressful for the entire family. Anyone can tell you that. What some people might not tell you is how much planning is put into college before your student even steps foot on campus. You and your student have to figure out what they do and don’t need...
Dealing with College Stress
Everyone has heard the saying that “college is the best four years of your life”. You, as a parent, probably told your student the same thing. This statement is completely true for the majority of college students however, I’m sure students would add that it is also...