Improving Study Habits

Going to college can be a difficult time in a young adult’s life.  With all the changes happening, it can be hard to focus on academics.  However, with a lot of dedication and hard work, success is not far away.   The most important thing that a student needs to...

The RA Hiring Process

Most first year students at the University of Arkansas are required to live on campus; if your student does or has lived on campus they should be familiar with what a resident assistant, or simply RA, is. Resident assistants are upper-class students who live in the...

Applying for Scholarships

Sending your student to college can be a stressful time for many parents. We want to help in any way possible, and one thing parents often ask about is financial aid. There are so many opportunities for your student to earn financial aid, through our university and...

Enjoying Winter Break with your Student at Home

Winter break is a great time to reconnect with your students. After a semester away from home, freshmen will need a breather and refresher. One of the easiest ways to accomplish that is by coming home and enjoying the things that they have been accustomed to before...

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Parent & Family Programs

University of Arkansas
Arkansas Union A688
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
Phone: 479-575-5002
Fax: 479-575-2200