Reaching the Halfway Point: For Junior Parents
Junior year is a scary but exciting time for parents and their students. Always remember to encourage your student to be the best they can be and don’t get upset if something doesn’t go right.
Sending Love From Home
Having your student away from home can be hard for you as a parent, but being away from home is tough too. The stress of classes, exams, and projects can build up and make it really difficult to be away from home.
Time Management
One of the biggest adjustments from high school to college for college students can be time management. In high school students do not usually have as many assignments and activities going on. Also in high school students have their parents to help remind them about...
Studying Abroad
Sending your student on a study abroad trip can be the best gift you ever give them. While it will probably be difficult for you to have them so far away, they will learn so many valuable lessons while having their mind opened to a whole new culture.