Fighting the Freshman 15
Everyone fears falling victim to the Freshman 15. It seems to be the one thing that almost every student at almost every university experiences during their first year in college (or away from home where y’all aren’t doing the cooking for them). Now if you were...
The 411 on Academic Advising
As the start of the semester arrives, your student will have a variety of things on their minds. Let me inform you, however, the most prominent thought will be: “What classes do I need to take?!” There are so many to choose from that it can be extremely...
Does Your Student Have Dietary Restrictions?
If your Razorback has any dietary restrictions, the dining halls and several local restaurants will accommodate him/her. The campus dining website, news.dineoncampus.com, shows all of the dining options on the UofA campus. Each establishment has a copy of their menu...
Time Management
Hello! If you are reading this, today I am here to inform you and your student about time management. Sadly, we only have 24 hours in day which is not enough but with these few tips, your student can learn the art of doing work and still having time to participate in...