My name is Asia Marshall and I am a Junior Public Health major from Little Rock, AR. I have been involved with several programs such as: Welcome Weeks Crew, Friday Night Live, Emerging Leaders, Students Advocating Stronger Sisterhood, etc. In my spare time I love to explore Fayetteville with friends to find new adventures. My favorite quote in life is, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
It’s Fashion!
As an incoming freshman, it is important for your student to be able to dress for every occasion that the year may bring. As students we tend to bring a variety of clothes to our resident’s hall our freshman year. Being overloaded with what we want to wear but not knowing what is needed can sometimes lead to packing more than what’s really necessary. I like to break down my fashion by semester and I’m going to give you tips on how you can help your student as well.
Moving in I brought clothes for every season. I packed my summer, fall and winter attire all for one semester. I know it can seem overwhelming, but your student is probably thinking about doing the same as I once did. Living in a resident hall can sometimes become overcrowded if you pack too many clothes, especially if you are sharing your room with another student. The easiest way to stay fashionable on campus while not feeling so crammed is by dividing up your clothes by seasons. When moving in the fall, it is okay to bring some of your summer clothes and as well as a few fall clothes. Arkansas weather can be tricky, some seasons last longer than normal or one may start before it’s suppose to begin.
During the Fall Semester of the school year in October we have a fall break. During this time your student has a chance to bring more fall and winter apparel to campus. However, I would advise if it’s not too cold just yet, to wait until thanksgiving break to bring the majority of winter apparel. While this is just some of the things I’ve done, it all depends upon your student’s preference. Fashion is very essential to your students’ life as a college student and will continue throughout their college years.