Meet Hannah Chudy! She is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha and is a fundraising director for St. Jude’s Hospital student board. Her hobbies include Lifting weights at the gym, watching Harry Potter, and reading Stephen King. Her most memorable U of A experience: meeting my best friend and future roommate in Zeta Tau Alpha.
SOS: How do I let my student live with a complete stranger?
A common fear that your student may have, and that you as a parent will have, is who is my child living with? As a first year college student, who your student’s roommate is, could make or break their initial college experience. This is the person that they live with and share all their new experiences with. Many factors can play into this combination of your student and their roommate. They may become best friends, acquaintances, or complete opposites. Here are some tips to ease your mind, and your students about living with potential strangers.
Have an open-mind!
Especially if your student doesn’t know their new roommate, there are a lot of areas of exploration when it comes to comfort/discomfort. Having an open mind is key to not feeling frustrated or having a fight early on with your student and their roommate.
Get Involved together!
One of the best things about the University is the amount of registered student organizations on campus. The beginning of freshmen year can be overwhelming but what makes it easier is if your student can join a club with someone else to make it less nerve-wracking. This way it isn’t as intimidating the first couple of weeks during club meetings and events.
Study together!
Even though your student and their roommate may be studying different things, one of the best forms of studying is verbally talking through the material with someone else. Your student and their roommate can both benefit from each other in this situation. Studying can be fun when you are in the company of others!
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Let each other have their own space!
Depending on the type of person your student is, personal space is a large factor that plays into first year living. Roommates can be wonderful at times but sometimes we all need our own space. Especially if one joins something that the other is not interested in, it is okay! Remembering that everyone is human and need their isolation at times is crucial. As your student embarks on their first year, remind them the benefits of living with a stranger and that it is not the end of the world!
You never know, your student’s roommate could become their best friend. This first year is the marking point of your student’s college experience and their first roommate will make a mark. Don’t forget how exciting a time this is, and that we only get to experience college once!