Meet Selwyn Bachus. Selwyn is a sophomore architecture major from Omaha, NE.
My parents support me in many ways in my journey to graduation. When I need a figurative shoulder to cry on over the phone, they are there, when I don’t know exactly how to handle an unfamiliar experience they are there, and finally when I have relationship questions they are there. All of these situations are things you will most likely have to deal with as your student navigates their college career.
As a parent of a college student, the greatest way to support your student is to always have your phone on loud and to answer that call regardless of the time of day or where you are. There will be times where your student is studying for finals at 4 am and worried about everything under the sun. They will call you, because as their parent you have been the constant source of support and calm in their lives since a young age; and in that moment you could be the only person to calm them down. I know from a personal experience in the first semester of my sophomore year. After taking my first test in my structures class I was completely devastated and worried about the rest of the semester. The first person I called when I got my grade back, was my mother. After talking with her and her reassuring me that I could turn the semester around in that class if I set my mind to it I was reinvigorated to take on the semester. Without her encouragement, I don’t know how well I would have done in that class.
Another possible situation you will have to deal with is relationship questions. Especially for freshmen, as they probably will be experiencing relationships in a different and possibly greater way than they did while they were in high school. As the person who has been a role model and teacher for the longest amount of time in their life they will more than likely run to you for advice. In that moment it will be critical for you to listen and be understanding; then give the best advice that you possibly can. As college students, we haven’t experienced everything, and we definitely haven’t encountered everything you have in relationships or in life. Your student will come to you so your honest advice can be a turning point for your student to make a healthy life decision.