Meet Timothy Reynolds! He is a Student Alumni Board Homecoming Volunteer Chair, Rock Camp mentor, Student Orientation Mentor, Arkansas Boys State Junior Counselor, and is also involved with S.T.O.R.E, and Student Support Services. He enjoys staying up to date with the latest trends and pop culture and photo-shopping. Timothy’s most memorable U of A experience is being able to get on the football field during the homecoming game.

We are all living in the 21st century and it is the era of science and technology. Modern technology has its effect on every field of life. With the help of technology the things that seemed impossible in the past are now easily done. Now, in this day and age, we cannot imagine life without technology however, we can acknowledge that it makes life more convenient and simpler.  Technology has great effects on business, science, transportation, the medical field, and most importantly education! The University of Arkansas has many technological resources here for your student rather it be accessing Black Board, utilizing the student technology center, or accessing the various tech spot labs on campus. Using these resources will enhance the learning experience of your student here at the University.

To begin with, the most vital aspect of your student’s college experience will be seen through an internet browser called Blackboard. Blackboard is a place where students and faculty can participate in classes delivered online or access online materials and activities to complement face-to-face classroom experiences. On here, you can check your grades, view important announcements (like due dates or class being cancelled) from your professors, make advising appointments with your advisors, or even view online lectures that your professors have posted online. Blackboard is so great they even provided an app for your student to use on their mobile devices! I consider it as my personal assistant, because it keeps me informed wherever I am.

Moving along, if your student doesn’t have a printer it’s ok. They can either visit Mullins Library, or most importantly visit one of the tech spot labs here on campus. Tech Spot labs offer printing and access to a wide range of software including Microsoft Office, Respondus Lockdown Browser, and math and statistical software. There are seven tech spot labs spread out across campus as a convenience to us students. I love how there’s a tech spot lab somewhere close to me. That way if I’m running late, I won’t have to travel all the way to the library to print something.

Last, but not least, most students fall in love with technology just by paying one visit to our student technology center located in the student union. From high-end single and multi-user online gaming computers to one-on-one multimedia training and support, the Student Technology Center in the Arkansas Union offers some of the best tech resources on campus. Comfortable seating for group collaboration and laptop use can be found throughout the Student Technology Center, along with a team room equipped with interactive presentation and collaboration tools. Large format color printing, scanning and copying is also available. A variety of computing options create a great place for students to drop by to check email, Facebook or post a YouTube video. You can even checkout digital equipment like laptops and cameras or equipment for the recording studio. In addition, social spaces with informal seating, along with a software library of popular titles, are available for competitive gaming on the Wii, XboxOne and PlayStation 4.

Technology will forever be a part of our lives. The University of Arkansas has been so grateful to provide us with these resources during our time spent here as students.