Life on campus is a memorable experience your student will have in college life. Our university has excellent facilities to make your students on campus life satisfying and enjoyable. Life of on campus for students is more comfortable and advantageous than off campus students. On campus students don’t need cars because they get almost everything in their proximity. Especially during freshmen year your student will live in dorms and here they will make many friends. RAs (Resident Assistant) and roommates make dorm life beautiful. Our campus has 18 dorms, out of which three are girls only, one is an International dorm and the other fourteen are co-ed dorms. Each dorm has study areas, kitchen and TV rooms. RAs organize different types of events in the dorms so that residents can meet and know each other.
Students can buy books from on campus bookstore that is located on Garland Ave. They sell all types of school supplies, apparels and electronic products. Students living on campus do not have to worry about cooking food. Our campus has three dining halls namely Fulbright on Garland Ave, Brough on W Dickson street and Pomfret on the Stadium Dr. If the dining hall food displeases your student, they can use the union food courts and also the ones next to Brough. There five different types of meal plans which includes dinning dollars. Your student can choose any one. Dinning dollars are used to buy snacks/food on campus. Places like Club red, Einstein bros, Starbucks, Subway and Au bon pain, accept dinning dollars; all situated in different buildings inside the campus. Students can have one meal exchange one day mainly as their dinner. We also have a mini Walmart on Garland Ave. and this is helpful if your student lives on campus amid spring and fall breaks. On campus students can study in better conditions because they have more accessibility to libraries and other departmental buildings. Our library has four floors out of which first and third floor are the silent floors, the best places to study with full concentration. Library is the home for books, previous research papers, etc. Your student can reserve a single or a group study rooms making studies even better.
Our university hosts many fun events like cardinal nights during the weekends and also many talk shows and cultural events by different organizations. When you live on campus you get to participate in most events. On campus students don’t need car because our university has bus services called razorback transit which goes to the NWA mall, the big Walmart and to places outside the campus. The bus station is located near the union. We have many churches and many bible study groups help your student’s spiritual growth. Living on campus is relatively safer because the UAPD is on patrol when its dark ensuring your student reaches their residence safe and sound. The University ID card has all emergency numbers. ID cards are also necessary to access buildings after college hours. Hope your student enjoys their on campus life by meeting new people and making lots of friends.