Jazlyn is a sophomore Pre-pharmacy Biology major from Fayetteville, Arkansas. In addition to being a Parent Ambassador, Jazlyn is a member of the college gospel choir the Inspirational Singers Chorale, and volunteers to read to younger students through the Volunteer Action Center Literacy Program. Jazlyn likes to be involved in her community and in her free time she loves to read.

Sending your student to college can be a stressful time for many parents. We want to help in any way possible, and one thing parents often ask about is financial aid. There are so many opportunities for your student to earn financial aid, through our university and through outside sources. The University Of Arkansas Office Of Financial Aid is a great resource for you or your student to use when looking into scholarship opportunities. Their website is http://finaid.uark.edu/ and their office is located in Silas Hunt Hall. The Academic Scholarship Office is another tool your family can use to help cover the cost of college. Their website is https://scholarships.uark.edu/.


After your student has been accepted

Meet Leah Herring. Leah is a freshman social work major with a minor in Spanish from Prairie Village, Kansas. Leah is a member of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority and is involved with the Honors College. She loves the outdoors and spends most weekends camping or studying in a hammock somewhere around Fayetteville.

into the University of Arkansas, they will be able to apply for scholarships. Incoming freshmen should apply for New Freshman Scholarships by November 15 for priority scholarship consideration, or February 1st for the final scholarship deadline. New Freshman Scholarships include a wide variety of scholarships that your student is able to receive. They can range from scholarships that only last a year, to scholarships that will continue renewing for the next 4 years.

After your student applies for the New Freshman Scholarships, we recommend that you encourage your student to also apply for scholarships that come from outside the university.  For example, there are scholarship websites that your student can visit.  A few are zinch.com, fastweb.com, and scholarshippoints.com.  Scholarship websites offer many different types of scholarships and make it easy for your student to apply.  Some scholarships from these websites require essays, and some might ask for your student to take a quiz or do a project.

Once your student has started their semester, encourage them to speak with their college advisors because they offer great advice and ideas for incoming freshman about seeking out scholarships.  Their advisor will be there to help guide them in finding scholarships and assist them in the application processes if needed.

Also remind your student that many Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) offer scholarships as well.  Encourage your student to get involved with an RSO that interest them because they will be able to apply for scholarships through the RSO.