Meet Katie Edwards; she is a rising sophomore majoring in Marketing from Fort Worth, TX. She is involved with many registered student organizations on campus, many of which focus on service and academics while others focus on building connections and relationships between students. She is a student of the Sam M. Walton College of Business and also plans to minor in public relations. She is looking forward to meeting and interacting with all of the students and parents as a Parent Ambassador.

Meet Katie Edwards; she is a rising sophomore majoring in Marketing from Fort Worth, TX. She is involved with many registered student organizations on campus, many of which focus on service and academics while others focus on building connections and relationships between students. She is a student of the Sam M. Walton College of Business and also plans to minor in public relations. She is looking forward to meeting and interacting with all of the students and parents as a Parent Ambassador.

Meet Dana McGee. Dana is a Freshman, Criminal Justice major from Conway Arkansas. As well as serving as a parent ambassador, she is also a Rock Camp Mentor and a Dream Big Mentor. In her free time, she volunteers in the community,hangs out with her friends and gets ice cream at Andy's

Meet Dana McGee. Dana is a Freshman, Criminal Justice major from Conway Arkansas. As well as serving as a parent ambassador, she is also a Rock Camp Mentor and a Dream Big Mentor. In her free time, she volunteers in the community, hangs out with her friends and gets ice cream at Andy’s

One of the most difficult things for new students is meeting people and making new friends. For many students coming to the university is like starting a whole new life, which means making all new friends. For this reason getting involved on campus can be a critical step in making the most of a student’s University of Arkansas experience. Also, it can help in creating an extended family for your student.

One of the biggest ways that students get involved is through Greek life. There are over 15 different sororities and over 20 different fraternities that are offered here at the university. These organizations are an amazing way to meet many dynamic and interesting people over the course of their college career. These organizations often focus on serving their communities, however they also have many social events throughout the school year. Sorority recruitment is before every school year and fraternity recruitment takes place after classes start. If you or your student would like more information regarding Greek life or recruitment, please feel free to visit the Greek life website at

Other than Greek life, the university offers over 300 registered student organizations. These are organization run and created by students in their own interest fields. If your student has an interest in sports, the university has intramural sports teams through University Recreations. If your student is focused on professionalism, there is an organization for that. If your student has an interest in student government then they can get involved with Associated Student Government. If there is something your student is interested in there’s a pretty good chance that there is an RSO to go along with it. Even if they can’t find a RSO that fits them, they can always start one of their own. For a full list of RSO’s offered by the University of Arkansas you can visit