Meet Elliott Back! He is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon. He enjoys all Razorback sporting events and hanging out with friends.
You will soon understand a lot of what I am saying will apply greatly to your students’ lives in a matter of weeks. Can you believe that? A matter of weeks. Scared? Nah, that’s why I am here. As the parents of college students, you guys may be wondering what I am talking about in this blog, but there are a lot of things you will need to let them do on their own, and finding a place to live is one of them. Encourage them to find a group of friends that you would want to live with as soon as possible and start looking for a place. If they are wanting an apartment, the lowest rates are right before Christmas break and only go up from there.
There are 10 main apartment complexes around campus, all varying in very serious factors that everyone must consider before deciding where they want to live. There are some apartment complexes very close to campus such as Atmosphere and Cardinal being the closest. Other complexes like Hill Place, The Vue, Varisty House, Beachwood and University house aren’t quite as close as the two previously mentioned but are less than a 5 minute drive from campus. What all these apartments have in common is they are on the same side of campus. They run up and down Martin Luther King and are in great locations for the University bus system. Other major apartments are on the opposite side of campus and more towards Dickson Street such as Sterling district and Sterling Frisco.
There are many factors like cost, amenities and location that need to be taken into consideration when deciding where to live. Most will live in these apartments because of their proximity to campus. Important things to look for when choosing is whether they give you a TV, have a pool, Hot tub, covered parking, their own bus system, a gym, what sort of rebate they can give you and what one apartment can give you in terms of location in comparison to another. Some students may never want to be on Martin Luther King, so I would recommend Sterling, though it would be a bit pricy. Some students may want a really good gym, so I would recommend Atmosphere, The Vue and University House. Others may want a really big place to live overall, so I would recommend Hill Place and Beachwood.
For those students that want to move into a house after your first year, it is important to consider one major detail; you will have to furnish it yourself. When you get a house, you have to buy everything for it. A house is much harder to find, so they need to get on the search ASAP. Houses also tend to be much further than apartments in comparison to campus, but there are some houses that are very nice and offer a lot of room to live and hang out. Problems that some of my friends came across all came when looking for the house itself. Normally houses are passed down from friends to friends or brothers or sisters in Greek life, so get them to know someone that already has a house and ask them if you can have it after them. Some families will buy their child a house and then rent it out to their friends throughout their four years in college.